How can it be Spring without her?
A Poem-Inspired by Annalise Parady, a Maya Stein gathering, & my Mama
(Photo, hand & foot-mine😂)
*Penned the below during “Gentle Company’s” Poetry gathering with Jess Janz (hosted by Annalise Parady~Poet, Social Worker, & Pie baker) yesterday morning. Title & last line inspired by a recent Maya Stein, Poet Laureate of Maine’s workshop fellow participant.)
Hello again,
I know I’ve been rather haphazard with my posts here.
While I’m still gaining my footing here, I so appreciate all the tenderness & patience this space offers; those who’ve stopped to read, & comment, message me, & re-share.
*In short order, 😉 I will be sharing with more specificity what this space will offer & when; who I think my words might interest, & who might want to run in the other direction.😂
Until then, Mother’s Day is on its way. And whew~ what a loaded day that can be/is for So many. With deep respect & acknowledging this truth, I’m just sharing a little something; not my best work, probably not my worst either;
rather, just something that spilled out Sunday morning about my own Mama, who recently passed on. This will be our second Mother’s Day without her.
(*For Poetry & Writing prompts & just all around creative community, I highly recommend the two spaces I cited above & 2 other greats I frequent: Brittany@ & Bree.)
(I tend toward mostly not titling my Poems, but I suppose for the sake of the post, I’ve called this “How can it be Spring without her?”
[& for anyone who likes to be read to, I’ve braved this a trial run too.]🫣
My mother spoke in tongues,
at tuck-ins
to my 3 baby brothers and me.
She’d take the thumb of her left hand,
[It was smooth, and soft then;
well before she smashed it
in the car that day my Daddy slowly drove away.]
That thumb
would touch
my forehead,
make the sign of the cross,
Over & over & over & over,
& she’d sputter
mesmerizing sounds,
with lots of:
“sshhh’s,” & “hhaaaa’s,”
ahhhh’s & “mmmm’s.”
Try as I might,
I could never replicate
those vibrations;
though I ponder now,
how I choose
“Swaha” as
my mantra,
my meditation,
for “Surrender.”
I walk to the woods.
I’m wandering lost
until I reach
the tall Pines;
in relief;
the scent of cedar;
like her
secret chest,
she’d now & then
share with me,
some safekeeping
she’ d stowed inside.
I march,
one foot
in front of the other,
upon scattered stones & sticks;
my footprints,
braille markings
in the muddy patches,
so I’ll know the way out.
Will I?
Know the way out?
I carry on anyway,
pass dead things:
tree stumps
& giant trunks
bowled over,
& gaping,
with holes
& rot,
And notice,
sprouting anyway,
& trillium,
fourteen shades of moss,
& the bloodroot.
I remember,
that bloodroot,
it closes at night,
its center
from rain and frost.
And what do I do?
I touch the bark
of Birch & Hemlock,
pick up an acorn,
press it to my palm;
And finally,
reach her:
my Mama in ash,
just sprinkles now,
under my giant Oak.
I cleave to her,
forehead to
her skin,
over & over & over & over &
whisper my wishes
for wisdom to the wind:
“Teach me tongues and tell me;
how can it be Spring without her?”
Oh, my. This made me feel everything all at once. It was my third Mothers Day without my beloved mom this year. Thank you for sharing your beautiful words. Sending you so much love.
I love getting to return to this piece and sit with it. This section in particular was such a striking image from nature to capture what grief is like:
giant trunks
bowled over,
& gaping,
with holes
& rot,
And notice,
sprouting anyway,
Sending lots of care your way as Mother’s Day approaches! Thank you for sharing. ♥️